East End WI has been running now for over 10 years and welcomes all women to share, learn and enjoy good company. We normally meet twice a month.
EEWI meets twice a month. Our evening meeting is usually the third Tuesday of each month at St Margaret's House 7pm for a 7.30pm start
St. Margaret's House Hall, 21 Old Ford Road Bethnal Green E2 9PL
Entry to our new home is through the garden. Enter via the gate to the left of the Gallery Cafe and walk around to the garden - you will see us in the hall which is behind the Gallery Cafe, free for members £4 suggested donation for visitors. There is a donations tin for refreshments.
All welcome so if you have never been before and you would like to see what we are all about please do come along.
Our coffee morning events are normally at different locations on the Friday following our evening meetings. You don't have to be a member to come along - just turn up and look out for us.
For 2018, membership of EEWI is £41 per year, January to December. You can join at any of our meetings and can pay by cash or cheque.
EEWI membership allows you free entry to all of our monthly daytime and evening events. As part of your membership you also receive subscription to WI Life Magazine which comes out 8 times a year. Members aso have the power to vote annually on National Federation of Women's Institute campaigns.