About EEWI

East End WI welcomes women of all ages, from all communities and all walks of life. Join us for our lively and friendly talks, meetings and activities.

Our meetings are on the 3rd Thursday of each month, in person, or when/if necessary on Zoom. We normally meet twice a month. In-person meetings are at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start, at St Margaret's House, 21 Old Ford Road, Bethnal Green, London E2 9PL.

Entry to our events is through the garden entrance. Enter via the gate to the left of the Gallery Café and walk around to the garden – you will see us in the hall which is behind the Gallery Café.

Our coffee mornings are on the Friday of the week after our meeting, at a local café, or on Zoom. These events are open to all women and their little ones. All you have to do is turn up the venue and buy your own tea or coffee etc.

Our walks are on the second Saturday of the month,

Look out for our monthly 'what's on' posts on our home page for the latest on upcoming meetings, coffee mornings and walks.


Membership to EEWI is £46 per year (2023 rate), April to March. New members will pay a pro-rata subscription depending on the quarter in which they join. You can join at any of our meetings and can pay by cash, cheque or ask us for online payment details. 

Visitors are welcome to attend our meetings with a suggested donation of £5 per session. By your third visit, we hope you will join us.

EEWI membership allows you free entry to all of our monthly daytime and evening events. As part of your membership you also receive subscription to WI Life Magazine which comes out 6 times a year. Members also have the power to vote annually on National Federation of Women's Institute campaigns. 

There is also an option to become a WI supporter – find out more here

We'd love to meet you