Wednesday, 16 September 2009


This is how Richard Reynolds, Guerrilla Gardener, summarised our meeting last night: Friendly diverse conversation with East End WI: breast painting, marathon pelvic floor exercises, Burmese refugee mushroom houses and walnut cake.

I'm not sure tthat here is much more to add. Other than Morsbags. Lots more stunning Morsbags.

I am a completely conquered by Guerilla Gardening and loving the scent of from my South London grown and made Lavender bag. Also contemplating the dance project - still time to sign up if you email us. And giving some thought to the mushroom houses at Hsa Thoo Lei Learning Centre in Thailand. If you missed the talk, here is some more info on the Centre:

Hsa Thoo Lei Learning Centre provides a free education for 700 children, and is home to about 200: these are children whose parents are dead or who are still inside Burma. Whether the children live in Hsa Thoo Lei or with family or friends outside, they are all in desperate poverty. The school tries to provide two free lunches a week when funds permit (not at all this calendar year) because for some children that is the only proper meal they ever eat. The children learn all the usual subjects but additionally learn languages - Burmese and Karen, the tongues of their homeland, Thai which is the language of their country of residence, and English, which many hope will one day be a passport to a better life elsewhere.

The Burmese migrant children in these schools are vulnerable to malnutrition, especially since the schools’ income is very much below levels required to fund regular school lunches. The Thai children’s Trust with help from partner organisations aims to ameliorate this situation by promoting the introduction of mushroom houses.

A mushroom house grows mushrooms in pre-prepared spore bags, placed on racks in a hot and humid hut. Regularly tended, the spore bags will produce mushrooms over a 3 month cycle. For most of the cycle there will be mushrooms available to supplement the diet of the children in the school. At the peak of the cycle there will be mushrooms for the school to sell.

Many thanks to all our speakers for such stimulating and thought provoking talks.

Comments welcome!

Monday, 14 September 2009

coffee crunch bars

If you had some of Veronika's Coffee Crunch Bars at our August meeting and fancy making them yourself, here is a link to the recipe - American measures, conversion chart here. The recipe comes from Molly Wizenburg, who also writes at the delightful Orangette site.

Richard Reynolds, Guerilla Gardener tomorrow. With cake, perhaps.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Fete Thanks

Just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you to everyone who helped in any way whatsoever on the St Barnabas Community Fete Tea Tend tea stall. The marquee looked stunning and seemed to be packed all day long. The toasties were selling like.... well, hot cakes, and I'm sure it was a great success for us.
Pictures and more feedback from the day to follow although do keep an eye on the blog and on the Fete website as they will both be updated as and when photos of the day stream in.
President EEWI

Sunday, 6 September 2009

september meetings

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 15th September when Richard Reynolds is coming to talk about Guerilla Gardening. Richard's passion is fighting the filth with flowers and forks and he'll show us just what is possible. Please have a think about an area in our community or anywhere really that you feel is neglected and could do with some gorgeous planting - we'll vote on which one we'll do and get Richard to help us to plan our very own bit of guerrilla gardening.

For more on Richard go to

Usual time and place: 7.30pm for an 8pm start. Chisenhale Art Gallery 64 Chisenhale Road

£3 for visitors free for members. Tea and coffee provided free courtesy of Cafe Direct. Please feel free to bring a bottle!

Our Coffee morning is on Friday 18th September - Gallery CafĂ© St Margaret’s House in Old Ford Road, E2.

hokey pokey and other deliciousness

Thanks to everyone who made and served biscuits and other deliciousness for the EEWI stall at St Barnabas Community Fete this weekend. We made toasties, sold fruit and made gallons of tea and coffee to ward off the early Autumn chill.

Put your right arm in, your right arm out....oops, that's something else altogether, isn't it?