It's been a busy couple of weeks. We're starting to get ready for the tea and cake season - just over three weeks now until Paradise Gardens on 19th and 20th June. We'll be updating our events page with more information on places we'll be selling tea and cakes, and there will be more in our newsletter on how you can get involved in the events if you are interested.
In other news:
:: great evening at the the performance of Mrs Warren's Profession at the Comedy Theatre last Wednesday - much more thought provoking than I expected! If you are especially interested in another production, do let us know.
:: sunny weather and lots going on at the Tower of London when we had our coffee morning there last Friday - pics to follow.
:: holding our breath to find out whether the ten people who attended the food hygiene course last Saturday have passed their Level 2 test.
:: made it onto the front page of the Islington Gazette a few weeks ago after serving tea and cakes at Richard Cloudesley School at an exhibition of pupils' photography. Special thanks to Maggie for inviting us - it was a real pleasure to see everyone tucking into the cakes with such gusto.
:: getting ready for the WI AGM next week on 2nd June in Cardiff.