Sunday, 23 December 2012

Festive year-end at the Geffrye

Our December coffee morning was held at the Geffrye Museum as per EEWI tradition. Many were hoping for snow, but the weather didn't cooperate.

In fact, it was almost summery. We sat down for frothy cappuccinos, enjoyed admiring the gardens, and even started on a bit of knitting.

And then, the fire alarm went off. We calmly made our way to the nearest exits, cups in hand, and waited patiently outside for the firemen to sound the all-clear. Fire engines, wailing sirens, and men in yellow hardhats entertained us for the last coffee morning of the year.

Thank goodness it wasn't snowing. 

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to you all! Looking forward to seeing you again in the New Year.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

christmas marketing and a cup of coffee

Stacey sells her lovely wares
If you missed our Christmas Market on Tuesday, we missed you too!  There were lots of lovely stalls and beautiful handmade goods, with plenty of our own EEWI women sharing their talent plus some great visitors too.  Lydia and some of the committee has been working too to get together some handmade gorgeousness together to raise money for U-TUrn and did very well.  And we were delighted to hand over some of your generous gifts to the ladies to enjoy over Christmas.  Many thanks to everyone who joined in baking, making, pouring and giving.

If you could not get along, don't forget we'll be at the Geffrye Museum tomorrow Friday 21st at 10.30  for a cup of coffee and a relaxing run into the weekend before the serious stuff - I'm thinking hoovering, wrapping presents, cooking - begins.  All welcome - bring your mum and the children!

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Knit & Natter: Wednesday the 19th

Just a reminder that our Knit & Natter will be a week early this month: we are meeting tonight, Wednesday the 19th from 6.30 – 8.30pm.

We're meeting at The Coborn Arms, 8 Coborn Road, Mile End, London E3 2DA. Click here for a map.

This EEWI-inspired group is open to anyone who feels like popping in with a project - knitting or otherwise. It will be a casual meeting, and everyone is invited – not only knitters! Bring along your stitching or paper crafts, or simply join us for a few drinks and a good catch-up.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

getting ready for christmas!

We're starting to get into gear for our Christmas Market next Tuesday (details below).  Clare will be getting her spices  ready for the mulled wine, Elizabeth has signed up to make lots of mince pies and Niki went home yesterday to practice her fourteen pointed stars so that she can pass on her expertise.  Lydia is making some hand-made loveliness to sell for U-Turn and some of us got out the needles and thread yesterday to make some pretty heart-shaped lavender bags to go on the stall too. And we have some other lovely stalls lined up for you selling handmade goodness.  Entry is free for members, £3 donation for non-members.  

Times are tougher for everyone this year, but we know that EEWI members have big hearts  so we are also hoping you can also bring along a small wrapped gift for the women at U-Turn who will be joining us again this year.  It's greatly appreciated.

It would be lovely too if you're able to join us for our last coffee morning of the year.  We seem to have made it an EEWI tradition to go along to the Geffrye Museum to see a bit of Christmas past before we indulge in some Christmas Present.  It's a lovely setting, and  a great way to ease into the holiday.  We've decided to stick to the Friday after our meeting, so we'll be hoping to see you at 10.30 on 21st December at the Geffrye.  It may well be your last opportunity to sit down with a cup of coffee before the big day.

All women are welcome. Come and say hello.