Thursday, 15 June 2017

Our 10th Birthday celebrations were a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone who could make it, and for the messages received from some of those that couldn’t. It was great to have some old faces there and be told about, or be reminded of, some of the highlights of the past ten years, such as Moira the beefeater and the Air Ambulance man! As well as some of the lowlights, such as the meeting with only a couple of attendees, which reassures me that that things are going well at the moment!
The AGM passed smoothly, and I am very pleased that there was no opposition to me remaining President, for at least the next year. So I am celebrating with the photo at the top of this newsletter, of me and the Middlesex Federation representatives, Carol & Gerry, who helped ensure all went smoothly, including cutting the cake. Thank you.

For our next meeting, on 20 June, from 7pm for 7.30 start – We have comedian and actress, Samantha Baines coming. In preparation for featuring in the Edinburgh Festival over the summer, she will be trialling her new comedy show


As usual we will be in St Margaret's Hall, behind the Gallery Cafe 21 Old Ford Rd. E2 9PL. 

23rd June from 10.30 - Our next coffee morning will be at St Joseph’s Hospice,  Mare St London E8 4SA.
30th June – 9am, Chisenhale Art Gallery, E3 5QZ, coffee morning with a tour of Luke Willis Thompson’s exhibition, which is based on research he has made throughout his residency period, which began with an exploration into the history of the riots in London in 1981 and 2011.
HELP NEEDED – We have a couple of events coming up in the next few weeks for which we need help in the form of cakes and people on the day to make tea and sell cakes. We are regulars at both events and would expect to see many friends old and new. Clare is leading on both events please contact her, or reply to this if you are available.
1 July -Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park. Tea & Cakes.
9 July - Park Life Summer Fair & Dog Show, Mile End Park. Tea & Cakes.

A few weeks later, on 5 August, will have a cake stall at the Great Day Out event in Victoria Park on August 5th. On which Natasha will be leading.