Saturday, 11 May 2019

Our May meeting, on 16th May, is our AGM, where you will hear from our Secretary and Treasurer about last year’s activities and accounts.
There will be an opportunity to socialise and we will have a more sumptuous spread than usual

After the formal proceedings we will have:
  • Four 10 minute speeches on...  Passions, people, pedantry
    • Four members have volunteered to talk, for no longer than 10 minutes each, on passions, people or pedantry.

As usual we will meet at St Margaret’s Hall, behind the Gallery Cafe, 21 Old Ford Rd, E2 9PL - from 7pm, we will start the meeting around 7.30. Enter via the black gate to the left of the cafe and walk right around the garden.

Entry for members is free and visitors are asked for £5.00. There is a donation tin for refreshments.

Our coffee morning is on 24th May, is at Hackney City Farm, 1a Goldsmiths Row E2 8QA meeting from 10.30.
Other events coming up in May:

16th May – Chisenhale Art Gallery Coffee morning from 9am. There will be EEWI cake, and a tour of the latest exhibition at the gallery.
27th May - We will have a stall at All Points East, in Victoria Park. If you are able to help bake, or on the day please contact Clare on 07773918207. Or speak to one of us at the next meeting.

We have put together an outline of the meetings we have planned for the rest of the year, which you can see by clicking here, it will take you to the ‘coming up’ page on our website.