Friday, 28 January 2022

Meet the family – Our Tate Britain visit

Tate Britain is wonderful for a wander. But it’s a rare treat to visit a room-full of portraits and hear from someone who’s related to the people in them.

The Wertheimer bequest is a collection of 12 full size portraits full of life, painted by John Singer Sargent at the height of his popularity.

Our very own Natasha, a Tate volunteer, told us about the people behind the pictures and gave us some insights into what Sargent was like as a painter – cross him at your peril!

Sargent was in huge demand at the time and it’s testament to his friendship with Asher Wertheimer, a twinkly-looking man in his portrait, that so many were able to be commissioned.

A number of the paintings were in the family dining room – which came to be nicknamed the Sargent’s Mess. And there were stories in the paintings themselves. Natasha's great grandmother Ena Wertheimer, late for everything, swept in for her sitting and Sargent was keen on getting the movement into the painting. Declaring it impossible, Ena used a broomstick to get her cloak sweeping up behind her.

Sargent is said to have preferred to paint people who were not aristocrats. He liked to have a relationship with his sitters.

He was also famous for his gargantuan appetite. So it’s fitting that we adjourned to the cafĂ©…

A huge thank you to Natasha for a fascinating talk and thanks to Kate for these photos.

Saturday, 22 January 2022

Our January walk

Our January walk: views from the Green Bridge at Mile End, coffee at Blu Ivy in Bow and a stroll around the lake at Victoria Park

Our walks are becoming an enjoyable extra way to meet, chat, swap news and exchange local knowledge. There was a handover of haberdashery too, to Heather, who is making twiddle cuffs for people living with dementia. 

Our next walk will be on Saturday 12 February in the Olympic Park. Look out for details in our Coming up in February blogpost.

Friday, 21 January 2022

The climate crisis: our January meeting

In his talk England’s Green and Pleasant, landscape architect Chris Churchman brought us up to date on the climate crisis, with particular reference to house-building and tree-planting.

Chris’s practice works with schools, residential schemes and on large-scale projects. Its projects local to us include Canning Town, Limmo Peninsula, Rathbone Market and Silvertown Quays.

Chris’s connection with the WI is his mum. She was his route into his profession too, after listening to a piece on Woman’s Hour about landscape architecture.

After decades in his profession, Chris is looking into climate change.

Chris started his talk with a look at quintessential English and Scottish landscapes: pastoral scenes, Langdale, Glencoe, and the literature that made them famous – the views we know made after most of our tree cover had gone.

“The biggest landscape change since Blake wrote Jerusalem”

To get towards net zero, we’re going to have to plant a lot more trees. So those landscapes will change. Chris told us about the push-pull between homes, which generate a surprising amount of carbon not just through energy use but through the building process itself, agriculture and tree-planting.

Chris explained the relative implications of staying within 1.5 degrees and the 2.7 degree increase if no cuts are made.

Looking at our history of carbon emissions, Chris showed that we’ve been making carbon emissions since stone age people lit fires but It was the early 1900s when it changed, with the emergence of coal-fired power stations and home heating.

Our Government has enshrined net zero in law by 2050. It has a target 300,000 new homes per annum. The theory is that new homes will be balanced by tree planting. But the scale of the tree planting that would be needed is huge. 

So Chris’s focus is on the health of our soils. Soils contain four times more carbon than in all the plant life in the world. Most of our soils have been depleted by intensive farming. Peat is a fantastic carbon store. Fens and bogs store 30 times more carbon than dry soils. We’ve lost about 90% of our peat bogs and farmers have been incentivised to farm by area.

So what can we do?

Domestically, we can use additives, for instance volcanic rock dust. Biodiversity funding streams are emerging to replace Common Agricultural Policy. Housebuilding could be done more sustainably and on brownfield sites. 

Chris’s four-point plan:

  • Understand the problem
  • Create a proper plan
  • Pay a proper price for our environmental choices
  • Don’t take landscape for granted


There was a lively Q&A after the talk, covering the cost of carbon capture, the availability of information, seagrass and other coastal carbon stores, the process through which peat forms, refurbishment versus new build, the connection between farming and landscape, the under-use of wool, alternative housing, particularly with changing social structure, COP26 and the minefield around apparently environmentally-friendly choices that turn out to be resource-intensive. 

A big thank you to Chris, who will be talking to other WIs over the year.

Chris has waived his speaker fee, which will be donated instead to his chosen charity Save the Children.

Saturday, 8 January 2022

Coming up in January

Coming up in January

Our January meeting: Climate Crisis – Fact and Fiction
Thursday 20th January 7.30 pm on Zoom
Chris Churchman, a landscape architect, will be bringing us up to date with the latest information about climate change and in particular how it will change the landscape of this country. Chris doesn’t charge for his talk but we will be making a donation from EEWI's funds to Chris’s favourite charity, Save the Children.
The Zoom link will be sent out nearer the time to our list of East End WI members and friends. 

Walk, Mile End Park
Saturday 22nd January 11.00
Meet at the water feature by the Green Bridge in Mile End park. We plan to walk back towards Victoria Park and then choose a venue for a welcome coffee.

Thursday 27th January – Online various times
Tower Hamlets will be marking Holocaust Memorial day with a number of online events. Find out more on Tower Hamlets website -

Tate Britain, Friday 28th January 11.00 am 
Join our own Natasha; a volunteer guide at Tate Britain, for a very personal tour of The John Singer Sargent Wertheimer bequest.
Details of tickets, meeting up spot etc will be sent to members.

And another thing or two…………

WI Resolutions
If you're an East End WI member, you might like to take a look at The WI resolutions in WI life magazine or on the website – ready for the call when we are asked to vote.

Twiddle cuffs 
Our President, Heather is currently making twiddle cuffs. If you have any buttons, small zips, tassels etc she would be extremely grateful for them.

Take care and we hope to see you in one way or another during January.