Wednesday, 25 May 2011

eyes down

We had a great time trying out our hand again with some more life drawing last week, this time with charcoal and collage.  But poor Estelle... she got a bit chilly posing for us even though we were concentrating really hard to get our collages done quickly.  Our collective thanks go to the ever patient Kate Hardy for her guidance and encouragement, and to Estelle for sitting for us with such fortitude (we'll make sure it's warmer next time).

Thanks too to everyone who baked and bought cakes for the Cake Break from MS.  There was an opportunity for second helpings at our Friday coffee morning at the Create Place, just a few doors along from our evening home at St Margaret's House.  What a lovely morning.  A warm welcome, a cosy atmosphere, lots of chat and laughter between cups of tea and some truly delicious cakes.  (Jackie - I need that recipe for the delicious orange and almond cake, please!).

We also had a chance to see what the Create Place has to offer - lots of handmade goodness for sale, and a sewing class in progress upstairs with Amanda.

If you fancy it, you too can drop in on Friday mornings to the Create Place Sewing Cafe (machines for hire at £7 per hour).  Other courses are listed on the website.

More news soon on what we have lined up for you at our next meeting on 21st June.

Happy holiday weekend!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

the women's library needs you!

The Women's Library in Aldgate, home to the archive of the NFWI, is looking for a small band of volunteers adept with a needle for a one-day project.  On Tuesday 21st June they will be labelling (sewn labels), packaging and hanging (on padded hangers which we will make) the costumes used in a 1969 WI production called 'The Brilliant and The Dark', performed at the Royal Albert Hall. This promises to be a sociable, fun day.   
The library also needs someone in the next two or three weeks to write descriptions of the costumes. The volunteer needs to be able to work with good attention to detai - measuring, describing and typing up. There are 20-25 items in total, so it's not a huge task but it will require a day or two. 
If you are interested and can help, please contact Colleen or leave a comment on this post.

Edited to add - yet again :   The Women's Library have confirmed that the date should be 7th June from 10am - 4pm,  If you plan to come, or can no longer make it, please let Colleen know by leaving a message.  Cheers!

Monday, 9 May 2011

maytime: a bit of life, craft and cake

Hope you all had a lovely Easter and are ready for our next adventure.  This month the multi-talented artist Kate Hardy will be joining us on 17th May to lead another of her brilliant life drawing classes.  Kate has visited us a couple of times before and we normally find that we have a full house, so do try to come along early.  We will also be mandating our delegate - this year someone from N1 WI - to put forward our votes on motions to the NFWI AGM.  We'll be at the usual place, usual time - 7.30 for 8pm start at St Margaret's House, Old Ford Road, E2.  All materials will be supplied.  Free for members, suggested donation of £3 for non-members.  We'll also be raising money for Cake Break for MS, so if you are a baker, novice or otherwise, do please bring along some home-made cakes for us to sell, and some spare change to but something!

We hope to raise more for the charity at our coffee morning at 10.30am on 20th May.  This time we'll be visiting the wonderful Create Place (just a few doors down from St Margaret's House) where we'll be able to buy tea and coffee, look at the merchandise and see what they goes on in this craft-y venture.  So more cakes for sale would be welcome there too!

Just to get your appetite whetted, here's a wee sample here of what our faithful bakers made when they generously turned up to support the Mile End Cemetery event last Sunday.  Well done all, especially Clare who co-ordinated our team - and, according to my John, made the very best fruit cake.

And if you didn't make it to our last meeting, just a little taster of what you missed...

Our thanks go to Theresa from Kitchen Buddy for demonstrating how to make delicious raw food salads and for sharing her healthy chocolate - and to Veronika for setting up the event and being such a diligent sous chef.  Look out Masterchef...