Monday, 16 January 2017

Knitting swifts project

Now that funding has been secured, it is time to start thinking about knitting the swifts Theresa and Elizabeth were talking about in our November meeting. The first meeting, with Deidre Nelson the artist developing the pattern, is on the 10th January, 6pm at the The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane, Walthamstow  E17 7HA .
The aim is to knit 100 swifts for the opening of the Wetlands in late 2017, and the prjoject needs knitters who could trial the pattern.

The nearest station is St James St overground on the Liverpool St to Chingford line.  There is also plenty of free parking nearby at the International Store car park.

If anyone has any questions, or can't make the meeting but wants to be kept in the loop please speak to Elisabeth on 0793 9860863 


Our next EEWI meeting is on 17th January –  When Sophie Churchill will address ‘From Copses to Corpses’. She has worked in forestry for many years and is the first female President of the Royal Forestry Society. She will also talk about - The Corpse Project, which she heads up,

In addition we will discuss and take a decision on which of the WI’s resolutions, we as a group, will vote for.  The choices are:
  • Alleviating loneliness
  • FGM: More awareness for more action
  • Equal access for all who need specialised maternal mental health services
  • Provision of appropriate welfare and safe spaces for women & children in refugee camps
  • Supporting women’s refuges
  • Plastic soup: Keep microplastic fibres out of our oceans
More details of the proposals can be found on the WI’s website and the most recent WI Life. If anyone has a particular interest in any of these proposals and wants to speak for 3-5 minutes to promote the issue, please come prepared.

As usual, we will meet from 7 for 7.30 start at St Margaret’s Hall, reached by going through the garden.

Being January it is also time to renew your membership, fees for the year are £39.00. This can be done at the meeting, or if you want to pay via a bank transfer our banking details are:-

Lloyds    Sort code 30-94-57    A/c 02044729

And please email to confirm that you have joined/renewed so we can keep track of who has paid...
20th January coffee morning we will meet from 10.30 at The Larder,  241-243 Globe Rd, Bethnal Green, London E2 0JD
24th January we will hold our first committee meeting of the year, starting at 6.30 venue TBC. These meetings are open to all EEWI members, and we always welcome new committee members to help share the load, spread our skills and learn new ones!

Happy 2017

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