Sunday, 12 March 2017

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March meetings

Tuesday 21st March, from 7 for a 7.30 start we will welcome Stitches in Time - an arts and education charity charity based in Poplar. They will give an introduction to their charity and provide an embroidery activity for their Mercer's Map project. Which involves a sewing group that meets every Thursday at Stepney City Farm, and has been working on a large textile piece based on a map of Stepney from the 1600. We will have the opportunity to contribute to this artwork
We will also have a short presentation from FoodCycle, a national charity that cooks surplus food from supermarkets into hot, healthy three-course meals. Their Hackney service on Thursdays at the New Kingshold Centre near Mare Street is urgently looking for more volunteers.
Each week they welcome about 50 guests; many are dealing with housing problems, mental health issues and isolation. For many the meal is the one chance they have each week to sit down with others for food and a chat.  This could fit in not only with the alleviating loneliness resolution that got the most votes from the WI resolutions last month but also reducing food wastage.

As usual we will be meeting in the hall at the back of St Margaret's House on Old Ford Road. Meetings are free for members and £4 for visitors. Refreshments provided and possibly even some baking. We appreciate a little donation in the tin if you have a glass of wine of course! 

24th March, our next coffee morning will meet at Docklands Museum from 10.30.

28th March, Committee Meeting, these meetings (held bi-monthly) are open to all members and we would welcome anyone wishing to join the committee. Please speak to one of the committee to find out more.
Many of you have already renewed or joined for this year, for those that haven’t membership fees for the year are £39.00. This goes down to £29.25 from April to the end of the year.
Our bank account details are:-  Lloyds    Sort code 30-94-57    A/c 02044729
23rd April - St George's Day at the Museum of Childhood. We are looking for volunteers to bake and sell cakes on the day as well as advertising EEWI. Please let us know if you can help.

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