Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Coming up in March

Walk, meet, take part – 
activities and events in March 

Our March walk:
Mile End Park to Limehouse
Saturday 12th March - 11.00 

Our first event of the month. A walk from Mile End Park to the Yurt Café , near Limehouse, Meet at the water feature near the Green Bridge.

Our March meeting: 
Hackney's Famous and Infamous Women, a talk by The Hackney Society 
Thursday 17th March - 7.30pm at our usual venue, St Margaret’s House, 21 Old Ford Rd, London E2 9PL. Entry by the big iron gates and round the garden to the hall.  

We will be welcoming speakers from The Hackney Society – the organisation working to preserve Hackney’s unique heritage. This talk, which has been specially prepared for us, will be about Hackney's Famous and Infamous Women, to mark International Women’s Month.

Also at the meeting there will be a chance to jot down any local events that you may think other members would be interested in. Such as arts, crafts, walks, places to visit. So please pop your thinking caps on – this will help us produce a further newsletter about local events etc.

Safety Adjustments for Covid-19

We cannot guarantee that The Hall is a Covid-secure environment but we will take the following measures to keep all as safe as possible – apologies, this is the boring but necessary bit...

1. Hand sanitiser on entry 
2. Lots of space, but we will leave the door open to the garden so please bring woollies! 
3. Masks are optional, but we encourage them for when moving around the room. 
4. Temperatures will be taken on arrival. 
5. List of attendees in case of subsequent Covid cases, 
6. Please do not attend if you believe you have been infected with Covid-19 
7.You may feel it is reassuring to take a lateral flow test before you join the meeting.

WI news

Look out for our next newsletter on local and national WI events and initiatives.

Coffee morning
Friday 25th March - 10.30 at The Gallery Café, St Margaret's House, 21 Old Ford Rd, London E2 9PL

A chance to meet, catch up, enjoy a cup of coffee and view its latest exhibition.

International Women’s Day, 8th March
IWD 2022 campaign theme: #BreakTheBias
International Women’s Month, 1st to 31st March

Imagine a gender equal world.

A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.
A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
A world where difference is valued and celebrated.
Together we can forge women's equality.
Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.

There are a number of excellent resources listing events all over London and some more locally:

www.alternativearts.org.uk films (rich mix), arts and craft events in East London (Brady arts)

www.londonist.com 15 guided walks, climate strike (central London), talks about women in law(QMUL), an event about women in broadcast media (mulberry academy), pop up information stall (Spitalfields) and many more

BBC Website – although less local the BBC has some excellent teaching resources, aimed at young people but fascinating for all ages.

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