Saturday 10 August 2024

Our August walk

Ballet, boats and singing bowls – Trinity Buoy Wharf, our August walk

The thing about London, we all agreed, was that even on a return visit somewhere, there's always something new to see. So our walk to the wharf was full of interest, taking a look at SS Robin, on a pontoon at the dock for restoration, playing the musical artwork Floodtide, enjoying Andrew Baldwin's kinetic sculptures and, because none of us had ever been into the lighthouse, climbing the stairs to look and listen to the Longplayer artwork (Gamely, Christine climbed all the way to the top). 

We all bring our wonderfully varied walks of life too, this month's chat including the higgledy-pigglediness of the new skyline, education, signwriting, craft as a meditative thing, unfinished projects and much more besides.

Coffee was at Layers bakery-café.

Fancy joining one of our walks? Look out for our monthly coming up posts and if you're a member, join our walkers' WhatsApp group.

Pictures by Lydia and Christine

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