Saturday, 20 October 2012

Knit & Natter, Wednesday 6.30pm

Inspired by our last meeting on changing the world and working together, we've decided to start a regular knit & natter group at local venues. This EEWI-inspired group is open to anyone who feels like popping in with a project - knitting or otherwise. It will be a casual meeting, and everyone is invited – not only knitters! Bring along your stitcheries (cross-stitch, crochet, tapestry, finger-knitting or pattern planning) or simply join us for a few drinks and a good catch-up.

Our first drop-in Knit & Natter will be on Wednesday the 24th from 18.30 – 20.30pm.

Venue: The Crown, 223 Grove Road, Bow, E3 5SN.

The group is likely to be fortnightly and at a more accessible venue; we'll post more info once we've taken a vote and agreed.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

personal power

My head was spinning a bit last night after John-Paul Flintoff's talk about how we can change the world.  All those inspiring stories about small steps building up into big changes.  I especially liked the idea of growing too many tomato seedlings and sharing them with your neighbours to encourage them to grow their own, and the fabulous reminder of how Rosa Parks changed the world because she'd just about had enough that day. I was very taken too with the process John-Paul took us through.  Find your spark, try getting your mates to help out with ideas, write them down, try small steps, watch them grow, change the world.  And as for the big reveal of that home-made shirt... it was a tour de force.

Big thanks to John-Paul for g-whizzing over to the East End and donating a copy of How to Change the World* to the honesty library at the Mill too (Isabel was delighted).  We hope you enjoy your marmalade, jam and Knit-Nurse's Granny's boiled fruit cake because we think that a decent piece of cake can make the world a better place too.

So come on people - how are you going to change the world? Let us know.

* you can borrow a copy at Tower Hamlets Idea Store

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

apple days and coffee mornings

If you are a regular at EEWI you will know that we like to celebrate apples at this time of year and this Thursday (18th) is Apple Day at the Queen Mary Farmer's Market.  

There will be:
  • Apple juice pressing demonstrations
  • Varieties of apples decorating the market
  • Apple games including apple bobbing
  • Apple and spoon races!
  • Cooking up of tasters
It'll be an opportunity to get children involved in particular, as they can help with mashing, juicing, and of course the all-important tasting of the juice.

The apples and pears on sale on Apple Day will be seasonal and brought straight from the farm by the grower. 
You can taste apples and pears you’ve never come across before. There will be many Mertons, a plethora of Pippins, perfect Pearmains and several seedlings. These names may reflect the areas from which the fruit hails – Ribston Pippin or Howgate Wonder; or bear the names of their makers such as Lady Studeley; other give indications of their taste or characteristics – Rosemary Russet or Pineapple Pippin; others still, such as the Devonian cider apple Slack Ma Girdle, may be a warning against overindulgence (or an inducement for it).

Enjoy the market and Apple Day this week.

And f you are confused by the dates I put on the newsletter for the coffee morning, it is on Friday !9th ( that;s right - I can't read a calendar!).  10.30am, Museum of London at Docklands.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

how about changing the world next week?

Writer, thinker and sewist John-Paul Flintoff is a man after my own heart.  His first book, "Sew Your Own" is his story of starting off on a journey to have a suit made, and ending up sewing his own shirts - and lots of other things too.  His wife is very funny too about his adventures into making do and mending.   Now John-Paul, a member of the faculty of the School of Life, has been thinking about how we can make more of a difference if we want to by changing the world.  And we all have something we want to change, don't we?  We are the WI after all.

If you want to share John-Paul's words and wisdom, join us next Tuesday 16th October at 7.30pm for 8pm start at St Margaret's House, 21 Old Ford Road, Bethnal Green.  Refreshments are available, but donations of home baking are always very welcome.  You might also want to join in the fun by wearing a little something you sewed yourself, just so we don't leave it all to our speaker. Non-members are very welcome - we just ask you to make a donation of £3 to cover costs.

October is also a very good month to join EEWI as you get a recession-busting 15 months membership for the price of 12. What's more, existing members can also bring a guest-for -free this month so we can spread the goodness a little more widely.  So bring your mates, have a cup of tea and a piece of cake, and get to change the world a bit(e) at a time.

If you want to consolidate your world changing plans, you can share them with us in the cafe at Museum of London Docklands  at West India Quay on Friday 19th October, 10.30am (free entry, map here).  All welcome - though you will have to pay for your own tea/coffee/cake.