AUGUST MEETINGS At our next meeting on Tuesday 15th August, we will be talking about economics and the economy. Antonia Jennings, a member of the Economy newsletter team is coming to talk to us about their mission to make the subject of economics more interesting to ordinary people, so we can better understand how economics affects our daily lives. We would also like to have a discussion about what charity(ies) we as a group might like to support. Support could be via money or donations. If you have a local charity that you think would fit our group please come prepared to suggest it. As usual we will be in St Margaret's Hall, behind the Gallery Cafe 21 Old Ford Rd. E2 9PL. The doors open at 7 and we aim to start at 730. The coffee morning on Friday 18th, from 10.30, will be at The Larder, 241-243 Globe Rd, E2 0JD.
Our cake stall at Victoria Park’s Big Day out was very successful, despite the weather chucking everything it could at us - rain, wind, thunder, lightning and even a bit of sun! Thank you to everyone who helped on the day and or by baking. Our next tea and cake event is our biggest of the year - Countryside Live - on the 30th September & 1st October, in the Lee Valley.
We have updated the events page of our website, and want to highlight our October meeting where we will be hosting a group meeting inviting other local WI Groups to celebrate Black History month. We have a few ideas for activities and food but thought we would ask you, our members, if you have any ideas and contacts with people who might be able to help with food, drinks or activities fitting the theme of the evening.
We have been contacted by a member of another WI group in Essex who is involved withWeavers Adventure Playground, who are in need of funds and volunteers. In particular, they are looking for help with their garden, to maintain borders and they are hoping to start a vegetable/fruit garden. Other opportunities include helping with the small kitchen for after school snacks, and simple lunches on Saturdays and school holidays. Or woodwork/arts & crafts with the children. If you can help or know anyone who would like to please contact them directly or reply to this email and I will give you a phone/email address of Beverly who contacted us. |
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